Orthonet, independent network of specialist orthodontists, united kingdom

Advanced Orthodontics Starts With Dental Monitoring

Orthodontic treatment, your way

In the ever-evolving world of orthodontics, the quest for the perfect smile is becoming more accessible and convenient, thanks to innovative technologies like Dental Monitoring. This revolutionary approach allows you to experience a seamless orthodontic journey, right from the comfort of your home.

Our member doctors offer Dental Monitoring free with all treatment plans, emphasising their dedication to hassle-free orthodontic care. This technology enables our specialist orthodontists to monitor your treatment progress closely, adjust plans in real-time, and provide feedback without requiring frequent practice visits.

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revolutionising orthodontic care

The Essence of Dental Monitoring

The Dental Monitoring app effectively bridges the gap between the patient and orthodontist, enabling a more flexible, efficient, and patient-centric approach to orthodontic care. By allowing for the remote monitoring of treatment progress on a smartphone, it not only optimises the treatment outcome but also significantly enhances the convenience and accessibility of orthodontic care for the patient.

  • Dental Monitoring revolutionises orthodontics by using innovative technology, allowing dental professionals to remotely monitor and track patients' treatment progress. Through the DM app and devices like the ScanBox Pro, patients can scan and send high-quality teeth images to their orthodontist, who receives real-time treatment data.

    The Dental Monitoring system enhances treatment efficiency, reduces unnecessary visits, and allows for early problem detection and plan adjustments. Dental Monitoring makes orthodontic care more convenient, personalised, and effective, fostering continuous communication between the patient and orthodontist for optimised care and improved outcomes.

  • Step 1: Activation and Setup

    Activation Email: The patient receives an email to download the app and set up an account, thereby connecting them with their dental professional.

    Step 2: Initial Calibration and Instruction

    Calibration: To ensure high-quality images, the app guides the patient through a calibration process, using either the Dental Monitoring ScanBox Pro or cheek retractors.

    Instructional Guidance: Detailed on screen instructions are provided on how to scan and capture accurate teeth images.

    Step 3: Regular Scans and Monitoring

    Taking Scans: Patients periodically scan their teeth using their smartphone and upload them to the DentalMonitoring app.

    Data Analysis: The app analyses these images to assess treatment progress and the fit of the next aligner.

    Step 4: Feedback and Adjustments

    Professional Review: Orthodontists review the data, providing feedback or adjustments directly through the DentalMonitoring app.

    Step 5: Continuous Support and Guidance

    Ongoing Monitoring: The Dental Monitoring app facilitates regular monitoring and direct contact and communication with doctors, offering support and ensuring patients are engaged with the progress of their treatment.

    This streamlined process enhances the efficiency and convenience of orthodontic treatments, allowing for personalised care and further treatment remotely reducing the need for in-person visits.

  • The ScanBox Pro device is a key component in Dental Monitoring, designed to enable patients to take precise and high-quality scans of their teeth using their smartphone. This device ensures scans are consistent and accurately positioned, facilitating detailed monitoring of orthodontic treatment progress.

    Key Features and Benefits:

    Precision and Quality: Ensures well-lit, focused images for accurate monitoring.

    Ease of Use: A simple, user-friendly design allows patients of all ages to operate it easily.

    Portability: Compact and lightweight, making it easy to use anywhere.

    Enhanced Treatment Monitoring: Provides real-time data for timely adjustments and early detection of issues, eliminating unnecessary trips to the orthodontic practice.

    Supporting Optimal Outcomes: Enables tailored treatment adjustments and increases patient engagement in their treatment process.

    In essence, the ScanBox Pro enhances the effectiveness of Dental Monitoring by allowing for precise, consistent dental scans, ensuring treatments remain on track towards achieving the perfect smile.

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Enhancing The Orthodontic Experience

The Benefits of Dental Monitoring for Patients

Dental Monitoring streamlines orthodontic treatment, offering efficiency, convenience, and customisation. Key benefits include:

  • Real-Time Tracking: This enables your orthodontist to make timely adjustments, potentially shortening treatment duration.

    Early Issue Detection: Identifies problems early for swift resolution, and contact with your doctor is easy through the DentalMonitoring app.

  • Fewer Office Visits: Reduces the need for in-person check-ups, which is ideal for busy patients or those living far from their orthodontist.

    Remote Monitoring: Allows patients to send scans to their doctor anytime, anywhere. Their next appointment can be anywhere in the world!

  • Personalised Adjustments: Data-driven insights enable tailored treatment plans.

    Direct Communication: Facilitates immediate feedback and support from the orthodontist.

  • Optimised Care: Regular monitoring ensures treatment stays on track.

    Increased Engagement: Encourages active participation, enhancing treatment adherence and satisfaction.

  • Visibility and Control: Offers insight into progress, providing reassurance and control over the treatment process.

Dental Monitoring Elevates Your Orthodontic Experience

Dental Monitoring is designed to make your journey to a beautiful smile more convenient and efficient, fitting effortlessly into your lifestyle.